It is a commonly asked question from our customers who wants to understand more, the reason we offer hair straightening treatments from YUKO and Momoko. Here is our attempt to answer this specific question.
Both brands have managed to achieve exceptionally consistent results as the product quality from both brands is excellent.
Both were originated in Japan and are committed to produce their products free from harmful contents like formaldehydes, aldehydes or produce these at any point in the process.
We initially only introduced YUKO treatments at our salon and had to turn down a significant number of clients with previously bleached, damaged or fragile hair conditions due to excessive chemical treatments.
Since the introduction of Momoko we have managed to produce desirable results for the clients with previously bleached, damaged or fragile hair. YUKO treatments are mainly suitable for healthy, virgin and hair that have not gone through extreme chemical treatments.
YUKO treatments are traditionally not suitable for treating Afro-Caribbean hair. We have managed to produce good straightening results for the Afro-Caribbean hair using the Momoko treatments.
At present Momoko only have the products for the permanent hair straightening treatments. YUKO however have treatments that are helping our customers to either achieve permanent hair straightening or just get Anti-Frizz by Yuko treatment which is a safer alternate to the some of the Brazilian blow dry or Keratin treatment that may contain harmful chemicals.
Anti-Frizz by Yuko is all about controlling frizz and smoothing one's hair. A perfect treatment for someone who is not seeking permanent poker straight hair and is looking to address the frizzy hair situation. Please read through the other information pages to understand more about different types of treatments that can help to achieve different results.
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